Jeg så en spændende artikel om præsentation (PowerPoint) tips og tricks på en af mine favorit blogs:I had the great fortune to attend Edward Tufte's one day class Presenting Data and Information.
Her et par hovedpunkter fra hans resumé:
- Substance, not Structure... Be substance-driven, not method-driven.... determine what information you need to convey, not what you should put into PowerPoint
- Credibility ... information should be communicative and should provide reasons to believe the speaker....Credibility arises from delivering an argument backed by evidence
- Making an Impact.... grab your audience's attention, bring something real from the 3D world to your presentation.
- Presentation Design ...Copy a format you've seen elsewhere...To clarify add detail -- don't remove it.
- Fundamental Principles of Analytical Design:
Show comparisons.
Show causality.
Show multivariate data.
Integrate evidence.
Document evidence.
Content above all else. - PowerPoint... Presentations should be a "high resolution data dump" (like a paper) and not a "press conference." ... You may use display tables, movies, or other media as necessary, but not as a bullet delivery tool.
- Active Person...Leading the audience along a path chosen by the speaker, at the speaker's speed, using the speaker's cognitive style, and refusing to take questions because it "disrupts flow" is a disaster.
That's it for me. If you look a little you'll find other people's coverage
of these training classes, like Colliers Atlas Blog or 21Apples....
I am trying to decide how to integrate this approach into my upcoming TCP/IP Weapons School class at Black Hat, which is mostly an examination of packet traces using Wireshark. I don't rely on slides for it.
Som altid spændende.. man kunne godt blive lidt misundelig på alle de kurser og muligheder der er i USA hehe :-)
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